Planning and Preparing for College (Scholarships, Internships, Etc)

To prepare students and their parents for college success in areas of academic readiness, community service, internships, summer programs, etc. The blog is to be used as a preparation infrastructure on various areas of college topics.

Guys, If you have a website, blog, etc and you want to add the document or information to your document, I ask that you give credit to the creator and the site or original source location.

Friday, October 05, 2012

Dream Girls Academy -

(Click the Image to Enlarge for details)

Dream Girl’s Academy will be held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
All sessions are free and lunch will be provided.

For girls 9 - 16
10 am - 1 pm

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

How to Get College Athletic Scholarships?

The Athletic Scholarships Page lists colleges and universities, by state, in alphabetical order. After the name of each college or university, you will find two links; one to the intercollegiate athletics page of the college or university, another to either an online questionnaire to submit to coaches or a website with coaches' email addresses. In some instances, you will find both an online student-athlete questionnaire and a list of coaches' email addresses.
Most online student-athlete questionnaires are very straightforward. All you'll need to do is provide the information called for as completely and accurately as possible.
If you use a coach's email address to send him or her an email, we recommend that you:

  • do not contact coaches before the beginning of your junior year.

  • address the coach by name

  • use the name of the college or university when expressing your interest

  • include, in resume form, your complete name, postal address, area code and telephone number, email address, high school name with complete address, year of high school graduation, prospective college major field of study, your position(s) or event(s), your years of junior varsity and varsity experience, your relevant statistics, academic/athletic/community service awards and honors won, and your current coach's name and full contact information.

  • provide information about your GPA, ACT or SAT scores, and any honors, gifted, or AP courses you have taken or plan to take.

  • include a statement about the level at which your current coach believes you have the ability to compete (Division I, Division II, etc.). Even better, if your coach believes you can compete at the college or university in question, say so (but avoid sounding "cocky").

  • offer to provide complete statistics and film (if available).

  • offer to provide a schedule of your games or meets.

  • thank the coach for his or her consideration.

  • check your grammar and spelling carefully.

  • offer to provide recommendations and academic credentials.

  • save and send the email again if you have no response within a month.
If you receive no response to your second email or online questionnaire submission, you might want to try postal mail. Not everyone is comfortable with email, and technical difficulties sometimes prevent online questionnaires and emails from reaching their intended recipients.
Many coaches hear from hundreds or even thousands of students each year who are looking for athletic scholarships and/or an opportunity to compete in intercollegiate athletics. As a result, it is important that you communicate effectively with coaches, and understand that it may take some time before you receive a response from them.

NAIA - National Association Intercollegiate Athletic

National Junior College Athletic Association

Additional Information